HOlLA !!

AI Engineer | Jetson AI Specialist | Deep Learning Researcher | Computer Vision
I am Ninad Madhab, working everyday to build the next stage of digital transformation and helping all to build and deploy
Scalable AI applications end-to-end.
Always striving to change myself and the world for the better, I value active living, life-long learning, and keeping an open mind.

If you want to talk about Edge AI, AI+3D, Computer Vision ping me anytime.

Interests include: reading sci-fi and fantasy, debating philosophy, exploring nature, meditation, and learning about the nature of reality.


Researcher | Mixing Mixed Reality with AI |
Developing Optimised DL Models for Edge Devices.

Research Papers & Patents

Indian Patent
A System for counting people in a crowd using Audio Watermarking and Machine Learning
App. No: 202131025084

Catch my Latest Tech Articles Here


With the evolution of technology into daily life we now live life in a world of experience driven global connectivity. When I see people sharing moments on social media, learning from YouTube I feel that in the past, technology was never there to help us tell these stories but today it’s unlocking the power to help us tell and experience stories better than we have ever before.

And now with the rise of AI and MX Reality technologies we are being given a new opportunity to bridge those communication gaps even further through direct experience.

The information age gave us practical tools and access to data, but today’s tech enabled generation is starting to favorite content consumption based on how we experience it. I believe we are rapidly moving towards into an imagination age where creativity and imagination becomes the primary creators of economic value and to me it’s very much here now.

As pictures are worth a thousand words, AI & MXR can be worth a thousand pictures & videos and that exponential power is one of the reasons why I love immersive experiences and fascinated by the ability of these experiences to be applied to nearly any industry and accessed in today’s world virtually anywhere.


If you want to talk about Edge AI, AI+3D, Computer Vision ping me anytime.